Softbox vs Ring Light for TikTok: A Detailed Comparison

Softbox vs Ring Light for TikTok A Detailed Comparison

When it comes to creating eye-catching TikTok content, lighting plays a crucial role. Two popular lighting options that content creators often debate between are softboxes and ring lights. But what exactly are these tools, and how do they differ?

A softbox is a light modifier that diffuses light from a source, creating a soft, even illumination. It typically consists of a box-like structure with a translucent panel on one side. On the other hand, a ring light is a circular light source that provides uniform, shadow-free lighting, often used in close-up shots and beauty content.

Both these lighting tools have their place in TikTok content creation, but they serve different purposes and produce distinct effects. So which one’s the right one for you? Let’s discuss.

How’s the Light Quality in Softbox and Ring Light

Softbox Light Characteristics

Softboxes produce a soft, diffused light that closely mimics natural window light. This type of light wraps around subjects, reducing harsh shadows and creating a flattering, even illumination. The size of a softbox can vary, typically ranging from 16 inches to 72 inches in diameter or length. Larger softboxes produce softer light, while smaller ones create slightly more defined shadows.

Image: softbox light spread diagram

The color temperature of softbox lights can vary, but many are designed to produce daylight-balanced light, around 5500K. This helps maintain natural-looking skin tones and accurate color reproduction in your TikTok videos.

Ring Light Characteristics

Ring lights, as the name suggests, are circular light sources that provide even illumination from all angles around the lens or camera. They typically range from 10 inches to 18 inches in diameter. The light from a ring light is more focused and direct compared to a softbox.

Image: ring light offers an even light spread from all angles

Ring lights often come with adjustable color temperature settings, allowing you to switch between warm (around 3200K) and cool (around 5500K) light. This flexibility can be particularly useful for matching different shooting environments or creating specific moods in your TikTok content.

Softbox vs Ring Light: Key Differences

Light Distribution

Softboxes distribute light over a wide area, creating a soft, gradual transition from light to shadow. This makes them ideal for full-body shots or when you want to illuminate a larger space in your TikTok videos.

Ring lights, on the other hand, produce a more concentrated beam of light. The circular shape ensures even illumination on the subject’s face, making them perfect for close-up shots and beauty content.

Shadow Creation

One of the most noticeable differences between softboxes and ring lights is in how they create shadows. Softboxes minimize shadows, creating a very subtle, natural-looking transition between light and dark areas. This can be particularly flattering for portrait-style TikTok videos.

Ring lights, however, create a distinct circular shadow pattern. While this can be minimized by positioning the subject close to a background, it’s often a recognizable characteristic of ring light photography and videography.


Catchlights are the reflections of light sources in a subject’s eyes. They add life and dimension to portraits and close-up videos. Softboxes create natural-looking, rectangular or square catchlights, similar to what you might see from a window.

Ring lights produce their signature circular catchlight, which can be quite striking and is often associated with beauty and fashion content on TikTok.

How to Choose the Right Light for Your TikTok Content

Portrait-Style Videos

For portrait-style TikTok videos where you want a natural, flattering look, a softbox is often the better choice. The soft, diffused light minimizes skin imperfections and creates a professional, studio-like appearance. A 24-inch by 36-inch softbox placed at a 45-degree angle to the subject is a common setup for this type of content.

Ring lights can also work well for portraits, especially if you’re going for a more dramatic, high-contrast look. A 14-inch or 18-inch ring light placed directly in front of the subject can create striking, well-defined features.

Makeup Tutorials

When it comes to makeup tutorials on TikTok, ring lights often have the edge. The even, shadowless illumination they provide allows viewers to see every detail of your makeup application. A 12-inch ring light mounted on a phone holder can be an excellent setup for these types of videos.

However, don’t count softboxes out entirely. A pair of small softboxes (around 20 inches) placed on either side of the subject can create beautiful, soft lighting that’s also great for makeup tutorials.

Product Photography

For product-focused TikTok content, both softboxes and ring lights have their place. Softboxes are excellent for larger products or when you want to create a soft, even illumination that doesn’t create harsh reflections on shiny surfaces. A typical setup might involve two 24-inch softboxes placed at 45-degree angles to the product.

Ring lights can be great for smaller products, especially those with reflective surfaces. The circular light source creates an attractive highlight that can make products pop on screen. An 18-inch ring light with adjustable brightness can be versatile for various product types.


For vlog-style TikTok content, where you’re moving around or filming in different locations, the choice between softbox and ring light often comes down to practicality. Ring lights, being more compact and often battery-powered, are typically easier to carry around and set up quickly. A 10-inch portable ring light can be a vlogger’s best friend.

Softboxes, while less portable, can create a more natural look for indoor vlogs. If you have a dedicated filming space, a 20-inch by 28-inch softbox can provide beautiful, soft lighting for your TikTok vlogs.

Additional Light Considerations for TikTok Content Creation


When it comes to portability, ring lights generally have the upper hand. Most ring lights designed for content creators are lightweight and compact. For instance, a typical 12-inch ring light might weigh around 2-3 pounds and can often fold down for easy transport.

Softboxes, especially larger ones, can be more cumbersome. A 24-inch by 36-inch softbox might weigh 5-7 pounds and doesn’t collapse as compactly as a ring light. However, there are portable softbox options available, such as umbrella-style softboxes that set up quickly.


In terms of cost, ring lights are often more budget-friendly, especially for beginners. A good quality 12-inch ring light suitable for TikTok content can be found for around $50-$100. High-end models with advanced features might cost up to $200-$300.

Softboxes can vary more widely in price. A basic 20-inch softbox might cost $30-$50, but remember that you’ll also need a light source and stand. A complete softbox kit with everything included could range from $100 for a budget option to $500 or more for professional-grade equipment.


Softboxes offer more versatility in terms of lighting setups. They can be used singly, in pairs, or in more complex arrangements to achieve different lighting effects. You can also adjust the distance and angle of softboxes to fine-tune your lighting.

Ring lights, while excellent at what they do, are more limited in their application. They’re designed primarily for front-on lighting and don’t offer as much flexibility in terms of lighting angles and setups.

Bottom Line

Both softboxes and ring lights have their place in TikTok content creation. Softboxes excel in creating natural, flattering light that’s versatile for various types of content. They’re ideal if you’re looking to achieve a professional, studio-like quality in your videos. Ring lights, on the other hand, are perfect for beauty content, close-up shots, and creators who value portability and ease of use.

Ultimately, the choice between a softbox and a ring light for your TikTok videos depends on your specific needs, the type of content you create, and your personal style. Many serious content creators end up investing in both types of lighting to cover all their bases.

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